🖋  Introductory Note

These reflections and tarot spreads are to help you to connect the mundane and mystical aspects of your practice. I refer to “this piece of work” and “this session” throughout, and these terms can be adapted to whatever you are working on. “This session” could mean a day, a week, a month, or a few minutes. “This piece” is whatever writing, planning, journalling, research etc. you have been working on within the bounds of time recorded in this diary.

<aside> 🗝️ What have you written in this session? Have you written something new or expanded an existing piece? Have you worked on planning or research? Have you read, daydreamed, wandered? How did it feel to work on this piece? If you finished something, how did it feel to let it go?


<aside> 🗝️ What cycles are we in communally that might affect the work: this can include the moon, astrology, or seasonal connections. You can answer as many of these questions as you choose to.

<aside> 🗝️ What cycles are you in personally that might affect the work: moon, astrology, seasonal connections.

<aside> 🗝️ What is your intuition telling you about this work?

<aside> 🗝️ Are there any rituals that have helped you this time? Do you think you need to develop any new rituals?

<aside> 🗝️ Have you used tarot for divinatory, creative, or generative purposes?

<aside> 🗝️ Tarot spread for work to be released


  1. What do I need to release to sign off on this work?
  2. What has this work revealed?
  3. What has been made possible by me doing this work?


<aside> 🗝️ Tarot spread for new work


  1. Where do I need to pay attention to this work?
  2. What do I need to have faith in in this work?
  3. What joy has this work brought me?


<aside> 🗝️ Have you had any significant dreams during this session? Use this dream diary to record them.

Dream Diary for Writers

If you prefer to record the dreams here instead, you can use these headings: